Updating on a New Year, a New Note

Well, it's the start of a new year, namely 2005. Granted, yes, I have not written on here much of 2004. Life has been extremely busy. So I guess an update is in order.
- June 2004 - completed my intern year of the UH Pediatric Residency Program
- July 2004 - started my campaign as a second year resident at aforementioned program.
- November 2004 - turned 27 (yes twenty-seven) years old. Now I'm officially in my late 20s.
- December 2004 - Celebrated Christmas and all that jazz. Incidentally, the pictures from above are at Jennifer's birthday dinner at Chili's. You can see me in the reflection of Chad's video camera. Met up with Leigh Ann and gang (as Leigh Ann came down for Christmas) and had our annual gift giving exchange. And I managed to get her to promise to make me some scrubs for work.
- December 31,2004 - celebrated the New Year with some sparkling apple cider whilst on call overnight at Kapiolani Hospital.
- January 2005 - Celebrated finishing my last month on the Pediatric Wards for my second year of residency. Starting to enjoy outpatient medicine again.
So a lot of things have happened, eh? Hopefully I'll be more diligent in writing in here. Maybe if people dropped some comments it would be encouraging? No? Hint, hint, wink, wink.
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