Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wireless Frustration

For some reason, when I woke up this morning and turned on my computer my keyboard and mouse would not work. My computer showed no bluetooth devices. I was flabberghasted. I could not figure out how to fix it. Installed, uninstalled, etc. Plugged, unplugged, etc. You get the picture. And I don't have any corded mouse or keyboard. So I used my wireless keyboard and mouse form the XBOX 360. After spinning my wheels for a while I finally figured out how to reinstall things. Thank goodness! Sometimes wirelessness is not worth it.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Return to the Blog

So here I am, returning to for the first time in ages. It's all on account of not having access to FFXI for a while. Yes, said I know. So what has happened in the interim. I suppose it's time for a bit of an update.

Residency is finally over. Now I have to get a real job. It was kind of anticlimactic leaving the hospital that last day. Kind of sad not being a resident anymore. Kind of scary having "finished" training.

I've been playing FFXI with Jennifer, Valerie, and Matt (Iman) for over a year. I finally made it to level 75 WHM (for those of you who play FFXI. For those who don' worries). And been caught with the crafting bug. Main source of entertainment/amusement.

I found the Boomerang TV station. Now I can watch Looney Tunes, Flinstones, and Jetsons again. Ah, to be a kid again.

Marriages are popping up around me. I've been asked to be a best man in 2007. Now I just have to figure out what I got myself into. I hear bachelor parties...and I have no idea what to do for one.

This is the 29th year of my existance. The 30th year looms large ahead. What new surprises lie in store? (to quote Andrew Lloyd Weber).

On a couple of sad notes. My aunt passed away on father's day. It was a shock that the family is slowly recovering from. Funeral services this week. My friend Leigh Ann is not returning for her annual summer back to Hawaii as she is staying in Yale. She promised to be back in January. I have not heard/seen my friend Edwin since Bo's wedding. I keep telling Jennifer to renew her vows so we can get Edwin back for a visit.

Comments are working again, hopefully. So drop me a line all you "faithful" readers.