Wednesday, June 04, 2003


I used to believe that life used to be a lot simpler. I mean, as a child, what did we have to do? Wake up, do what mommy and daddy told us, go to school, pay attention, play at recess, come home, watch TV, do activities, homework, and go to sleep. As we aged, we believed that life became a lot more complicated. Proms, dates, where would we go to college, what should our major be, when do I have to graduate, tuition, deadlines, stress, major decisions of your life, etc. And we long for childhood again, to be "carefree". But when you really think about it, was life ever really that simple? Ok, maybe when we were an infant and our sole purpose in the universe was to smile to make our parents happy and to poop and pee so that they had something to do. But as we got older, more and more was expected of us. As a child, I remember rushing around to baseball practice, karate practice, and trying to finish my homework to be in bed by 8:00 pm. I certainly didn't think life was simple back then. So why this post? I'm not sure, just a random thought that swept through my mind at 6:00 am. I know that I've been wanting to return to the "simple life". But I really don't want to have to wear diapers again and eat Gerbers food.

On the other hand, I just did a name search on myself at just to see what popped up. Stuff from UH did. But the funny thing was the Low Brass Glossary of Terms by my friend Jason Healy also came up on the search. If you have time, please read it. It is hilarious. Especially if you've been in band.