Decapitation and Bloodlust

Well my friend Leigh Ann has flown away, back to Yale. But before she left, my friends and I got together for one last fling until Christmas. I did a crazy thing this past Wednesday...I bought a new television set. Nice HDTV, 32". Yes, I'm salivating over it. But it was too big to fit into my car, so I had to leave it there, and have it delivered. Immense sadness commenced. But I did get to purchase Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers as well as Soul Caliber II for the PS2. Then we went over to a friends house and played!
What did we do? Well we played Soul Caliber II for about 3 hours. It's so much fun, whacking each other with swords and whips and chains. No this isn't some S&M porno video. It's a video game you sick freaks! And really, really addicting. I get a little competitive at times. Hehehehe. But it was really good fun. And a great way to get rid of aggression. Then we watched the Two Towers, eating Zippy's dinner. My friend Jennifer, Goddess of Chocolate, was the only one willing to take silly pictures with me. So there we are, lying on a pillow. And my digital camera is doing well and fine. Of course, it is no longer my newest digital toy. My fellow residents better be happy, man. I'm donating my 27" TV to the residents lounge. Not like we have that much time to watch TV, but anyways...they still better be thankful. Heheheh. K y'all. See you later.